Soundbridge Success Stories – Managing Redundancy
Recently redundant and able to go on an overseas holiday? Perhaps you’ve been afforded the opportunity to go back to university full time and still support yourself? This might seem like a dream for some but for two smart Soundbridge Clients, this is their reality after being made redundant.
“Redundancy is a term that everyone has heard, and in more recent times, everyone knows someone who has been made redundant. Whether forced or voluntary, redundancy can be a difficult career hurdle to navigate” Di Ferris, Senior Adviser Gladstone.
Di Ferris, Jim Farrell & Peter Harding have been supporting the Gladstone community through the red tape and confusion of redundancy during much of the uncertainty in recent years.
Di’s most recent clients have included a married couple in their mid 50’s. Let’s call them John and Jane. John was offered a redundancy, effectively putting him into retirement sooner than he had planned, and he was concerned that taking it would affect their retirement goals.
As long standing clients of Di’s, the first thing they did was seek advice. John had been preparing for retirement for some time and reinforced that “…retirement starts when you are young and whilst I encourage my children to put an extra $15 a week into their superannuation fund, I know they don’t listen but I make the warning that they will be sorry!” John, Soundbridge Client.
John confided in Di that at that point in time he believed retirement was just like work, but without the pay, however he is enjoying it. Through consultation, Di and Peter were able to alleviate their concerns and reassure them both that they could still achieve all of their goals.
Worry free and able to use the redundancy to their advantage, John and Jane are currently planning an overseas holiday.
Another of Di’s clients, a mid 50’s widow who supports herself was recently made redundant. When redundancy was offered to her, she sought Di’s advice immediately and together they were able to make a plan. This client saw redundancy as an opportunity to go back to university and complete her Masters full time, enabling her to improve her knowledge and job prospects. A detailed and tailored plan was developed and her investments adjusted to provide her an income whilst studying.
We have many success stories that we are proud of at Soundbridge, these are just a couple of the redundancy success stories that have come out of the recent redundancies in the Gladstone region.
“It has been privilege to help people navigate their redundancy” said Di.
Fortunately, the team at Soundbridge has been leading the way in assisting in the CQ Region for over 30 years and with a proper plan in place Di believes that whilst we cannot solve all problems she can confidently attest that the Soundbridge Advice team has and will continue to make a difference.
“Remember, the earlier you plan for your future, the things that try to detour you are just little adventures” Di Ferris
Posted on March 10th, 2017