Soundbridge Success Stories – Insuring Your Future
Rockhampton based Adviser, Peter Harding, was recently contacted by a client and was given the sad news that her husband had been diagnosed with a serious illness.
Unable to work and with medical costs mounting they were unsure how they would manage as their life had been turned upside down in an instant. Fortunately, her husband had an MLC insurance policy with Soundbridge that they had taken out in 2004.
“Sitting in front of my client’s wife, I could tell she was visibly distressed and very upset about the current situation” – Peter Harding
Upon reviewing the Policy, Peter was able to immediately ascertain that his client was covered for, and could make a claim on both Critical Illness Insurance and Income Protection.
“We immediately made a claim on the policy, and between the two benefits, my client received a payout of over $250,000” – Peter Harding
Upon receiving all the required paperwork the benefit was paid out and the money was in their bank within the month. An informed decision based on sound advice in 2004 to take out Income Protection and Critical Illness Insurance has enabled this client to pay down their debt and has ensured their financial future when they needed the money most, 12 years later.
“Looking my clients in the eyes and advising them we would immediately be making a claim, and seeing the despair in their eyes give way to hope, has really validated all the insurance advice I have ever given to any client in the past, and now into the future.” – Peter Harding
At Soundbridge we guide our clients through a comprehensive Insurance Needs Analysis and this combined with our robust Insurance House view ensures that our clients are adequately insured and are obtaining insurance that is specific to their lifestyle and personal requirements. When a turbulent life event presents we are confident that clients with insurance through Soundbridge will be assisted if they suffer a permanent injury or a critical illness with the correct Income Protection and Critical Illness Insurance in place.
When making a claim on your insurance policy through Soundbridge, you can be rest assured that we will manage your claim promptly. We understand the pressure that needing to make a personal insurance claim can put on families and our pro-active approach takes the hard work and stress out of your hands.
Our steadfast and proven claims process is just a phone call away. Once you have advised us that you need to make a claim on your policy, we will handle contact with your insurer and manage the paperwork required to ensure that you receive the full payout you deserve, and in a hurry.
Peter’s client has now completed his treatment and is recovering well with the knowledge that his finances are secure.
This is just one of many of our success stories where, through our customer care, focus and understanding of the client’s long term needs, policies held by Soundbridge Clients have changed a person’s life when they needed it most.
Posted on March 17th, 2017