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Residential Aged Care Costs made simple

By Alan Lake, CFP© CPA(FPS) ACS SSA BComm DipFP Aged Care Specialist, Soundbridge Financial Services A friend or a family member has reached that stage in their life where they just can’t cope on their own anymore. They’ve been getting… Read more »

3 things you may have forgotten to plan for in retirement

Retirement can be an exciting phase in your life. But all the recent changes to superannuation bring with them lifestyle and financial issues you need to be aware of as you plan your retirement. Retirement means different things to different… Read more »

Benefits of using a Financial Adviser

This article highlights the importance of seeking financial advice and the essential role of a financial adviser in your life.

How to optimise your retirement savings and retire richer.

Preparation can go a long way in ensuring you’re emotionally and financially ready for the road ahead.

Quarterly economic update April – June 2021

With unemployment rates decreasing, housing prices rising and the share market performing strongly, the last quarter has been very positive for the economy and investors alike. In this article, we summarise the key standouts from the April to June 2021 quarter.

2021 Federal Budget Highlights

Greater flexibility for older Australians to boost superannuation, continued support for small business, and extra help for struggling homebuyers are key drivers in the Federal Government’s 2021 Budget, designed to steer Australia away from a pandemic recession.

Spotlight on Investing

By Jim Farrell, Senior Financial Adviser (FPA & MFAA) Establishing an investment portfolio can be likened to building a home. The most destructive, yet unpredictable predator to the structure of a home is the weather.  Even in these most technically… Read more »

EOFY is coming — Have you thought about …

The end of another financial year is looming, and with that may come thoughts about your tax return and how your wealth has tracked throughout the year. Whether you’re nearing retirement, a high-income earner looking to reduce your taxable income,… Read more »

Separation Planning: An adviser’s perspective.

Few client meetings have been as challenging. After years of being happily married, Sarah and her husband decided to separate, and the story of her acrimonious divorce was certainly distressing. It started with a chance meeting, where in passing, Sarah… Read more »

Super Success for Women

Penny Farrell

There are some simple steps women can take to boost their retirement savings and offset spending less time in the workforce and earning less than men.

Why You Need a COVID-19 Financial Plan

“A good plan or strategy makes a huge difference as to how you’ll be able to adapt during tough times,” says Jim Farrell, Senior Financial Adviser at Soundbridge. “Aside from putting you in the best position for financial success in the post-pandemic world, it also ensures that you’re prepared for the next crisis or economic downturn, whenever that may be.”

10 tips to prepare for retirement


Looking forward to an enjoyable retirement? Check out our top 10 tips to make sure you’re on track.